Pc gainexp

== Function to gain EXP ==

int pc_gainexp(struct map_session_data sd, struct block_list src, unsigned int base_exp,unsigned int job_exp) pc_gainexp(sd, bl, X, Y); * sd = ? (Looks like only players can gain exp?) * bl = ? * X = Base XP * Y = Job XP

Notes: * pc_nextbaseexp(sd) = XP necessary for next Base Level UP * pc_nextjobexp(sd) = XP necessary for next Job Level UP

pc_gainexp(sd, bl, pc_nextbaseexp(sd), Y); This would be a FULL Base Lvlup, leaving with 0% on next level

pc_gainexp(sd, bl, 0, pc_nextjobexp(sd)); This would be a FULL Job Lvlup, leaving with 0% on next level
