Editing the Docs¶
The Hercules docs could always use help. It is an ever changing repository of useful information related to Hercules, such as configuration, connecting, setting up, Compiling and scripting. However, please follow the below points when trying to edit.
- Do not create pages or guides for custom content. Base client specific content is OK, as this is the main point behind Hercules. However, leave patchers, custom patches or plugins, setup of custom items or mobs, or control panels out.
- Be sure you write in proper and complete English.
- For code examples, be sure you follow Hercules' Coding Style.
Hercules docs is completely based on the repository files, in order to contribute to it, simply submit a Pull request to the Hercules-docs repository.
Hercules docs uses mkdocs-material.
You will need to have Python3 installed, and install mkdocs-material
and our lexer packages.
You can install it with:
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install -e ./hercscript-lexer # Optional, required for HercScript highlighting
or perform the same commands with pip3
For more information about installing mkdocs-material, and other alternatives, see Mkdocs Material's getting started
After installing mkdocs-material, in order to run hercules docs in your machine, you will have to:
- Clone hercules-docs repository to your local machine
- Open a terminal in the folder and run
mkdocs serve
- The documentation should be running at http://localhost:8000
The documentation is entirely written in Markdown, with some extensions from mkdocs and mkdocs-material.
If you are new to markdown or want to know about the extended syntax from mkdocs, please check the following links: