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Localization / Translations (HULD)

Hercules servers are able to provide some level of multi-language thanks to a feature called Hercules Ultimate Localization Design (HULD for short).

How it works

Translations are stored in PO files, a standard format for translations. Those files are stored in Hercules and follow a structure that imitates the NPC folder (plus a few other files).

During startup, Hercules loads those files as additional languages and whenever a NPC message is displayed, the player's current language is used.

A default language is set in the configs, and additional languages may be selected by each player by using the @lang command.

Generating translation files

In order to start translating the NPCs and other translatable messages, you must first generate the translation files.

To do that:

  1. Build your server, including HPM Hook plugins
  2. Build the generate-translations.c plugin (see HPM)
  3. Run ./map-server --load-plugin HPMHooking --load-plugin generate-translations --generate-translations this will:
    1. Start map-server with "HPM Hooking" and "generate-translations" plugins loaded
    2. Ask map-server to actually generate the translation files
  4. Once it completes, map-server will automatically shut down, this is expected.
  5. You can now see a folder called generated_translations in your repository root
  6. This folder contains everything you need to translate, see Adding a language

Adding a language

Once you have the translation files folder (either downloaded from somewhere or generated with Generating translations), you need to add the folder path to db/translations.conf.

For example, if you have the Spanish language files at db/Spanish/, your db/translations.conf should look like this:

translations: (

From now on, @lang Spanish will give a player the Spanish translation.

Default language

The server's default language is defined in conf/map/map-server.conf:

	// When employing more than one language (see db/translations.conf),
	// this setting is used as a fallback
	default_language: "English"

Following the example above, you could change the value here to Spanish for players to start their characters having the Spanish translation. (They could switch later on)

Translatable strings

By default, Hercules will pick every string used in mes, mesf and select commands, but you can explicitily tell Hercules that strings in other parts of your script must also be translated by using the _() macro.

For example:

.@status1$ = "Closed"; // This won't be translated
.@status2$ = _("Available"); // This will be translated

Caveats and limitations

Global messages

Messages sent to many players at once, like broadcasts will use the attached player language.

This is for performance reasons, since sending messages in each player language would require building separate packets/messages for each player (or group of players).

"Unattached" messages

When a message is sent by a script that doesn't have a player attached, the message will be sent in the server's default language.

This is for performance reasons, since sending messages in the default language would require building separate packets/messages for each player (or group of players). Additionally, since no player is attached, there is no player language to use.

prontera,150,150,0	script	test huld	4_F_SISTER,{
	mes("Text with player attached. In player language");
	announce(_("Text in player language for everyone."), bc_all);

	// Player is not attached here.
	npctalk("Hi, i'm talking in server default language.");

Player gender

There is no way to have variation by player gender for the same message.

One strategy to work around that is to include a space at the end of the message for one of the genders, for example:

if (Sex == SEX_MALE) {
} else {
	mes("Hello ");

This would generate 2 messages for translation.

NPC/Monster names

HULD doesn't support translation of NPC/Monster names.